Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Masters

  • Engineering school, third year students at Ecole Polytechnique: Laurent Massoulié taught a course on “Networks: distributed control and emerging phenomena”.

  • Course for Corps des Mines: Emmanuel Baccelli gave a half day course on “Communication Protocols and Operating Systems for the Internet of Things” in the context of the formation PESTO.

  • Engineering school, third year students at Telecom ParisTech: Aline Carneiro Viana taught an 1 hour lesson on “Wireless Network" course.

  • Engineering school, third year students at Telecom SudParis: Aline Carneiro Viana taught an 6 hour lessons on “Wireless Network" course.


  • Laurent Massoulie currently advises 2 PhD students: Lennart Gulikers and Remi Varloot.

  • Cedric Adjih currently advises Fatma Somaa, on ”handling mobility in routing in wireless sensor networks”, thesis started in 2013 and co-advised with Inès El Korbi (Institut Supérieur d'Informatique et de Gestion de Kairouan, Tunisie).

  • Emmanuel Baccelli and Cédric Adjih are advising: Loïc Dauphin on ”Robotics meets the Internet of Things”, (June 2016-).

  • Aline Viana currently advises 2 PhD students: Roni Shigueta, on ”Resource allocation in highly mobile wireless networks” (January 2012-2017). Guangshuo Chen, on ”Understanding and predicting human demanded content and mobility” (September 2014-).

  • PhD completed: Felipe Domingos on "identifying social attributes in VANETs" (January 2013-June 2016). Advisor: Aline Carneiro Viana.

  • PhD completed: Oliver Hahm, “Enabling Energy Efficient Smart Object Networking at Internet-Scale”, 2012-2016. Advisor: Emmanuel Baccelli.


  • Laurent Massoulié was on the PhD jury as reviewer for the PhD theses of Anna Benhamou and Alaa Saade, and he presided the PhD thesis committee of Kevin Scaman.

  • Aline Viana was on the PhD jury as reviewer of Wenjing Shuai, ”Management of electric vehicle systems with self-interested actors” Telecom Bretagne, September 2016.

  • Aline Viana was on the PhD jury as examiner of Mouna Rekik, ”Protocols for Smart Girds”, Universite de Lille, France July 2016.

  • Aline Viana was on the Master jury of Fausto Silva Moraes ”Explorando Interações em Redes Sociais Online, Comunicação D2D e Estratégias de Cache para Uso Eficiente de Recursos em Redes Celulares”, Brazil November 2016.

  • Emmanuel Baccelli was on the PhD jury of Francisco Acosta, “Self-adaptation for Internet of Things applications”, Universite de Rennes 1, Dec. 2016.

  • Emmanuel Baccelli was on the PhD jury of Kevin Roussel, “Évaluation et amélioration des plates-formes logicielles pour réseaux de capteurs sans-fil, pour optimiser la qualite de service et l'énergie,” Université de Lorraine, June 2016.